Our extended family and their dogs!

We are very proud of our clients and their dogs. This is a special place on my page for Aus Gerstbrei German Shepherd clients and accomplishments with their dogs.  If you have an Aus Gerstbrei dog and have an accomplishment please let us know and I’ll add you!

Valkyrie aus Gerstbrei with Cris Doss!

Valkyrie is a highly accomplished dog from our breeding thanks to his talented owner who put in so much work! Here are some of her accomplishments!  BH, CD, CGCA, CGCU,TKI
One leg towards CDX & fast cat run. They were all with first and second place ribbons and high scores!  She also did dock diving, AKC Scent work, and tracking. What an awesome list of accomplishments, and we are so excited to see what she does with Val’s niece!


K9 Stryker aus Gerstbrei

Stryker was always a very special boy. From his testing as a baby I knew he needed to work. I’m so excited for his new job working for the police in Indianapolis! Versatility is what the breed is all about.


O’Dug aus Gerstbrei earns his BH!

Congrats to Dug’s family on such an accomplishment! Their BH was earned at OG Buckeye under usca judge Deb! So proud of you guys for getting out there! Dug is a very well rounded German Shepherd also having his Therapy Dog certification!


Herros aus Gerstbrei and his owner Jana earn their IGP3!

Jana Gabrysch has done an incredible raising and training Herros from baby to IGP3. They earned their IGP3 under USCA judge Craig Groh at OG Landshark in Indianapolis Indiana.  Not only did they achieve this title but they took High in trial, High tracking, High obedience and High IGP3. Very proud of this team and I can’t wait to see what they do next!

O’Dug aus Gerstbrei, Therapy dog

Dug achieved his Therapy dog Certification. He is such a well mannered good boy and is very loved by his family in Ohio! Congrats to his family on this new title!


Igrette aus Gerstbrei Nosework competition dog and more!

Iggy is from our Bane and Karma breeding and lives with her amazing owner Beth Huddleston in Topeka, Kansas. She has an excellent nose on her and learns things very quickly. Iggy has won so many nosework and fast cat competitions as well as other competitions and titles she has her very own Ribbon wall! We are very proud of her and her mom. Iggy lives with several other dogs who also do these competitions. We are excited to see what Iggy will do next!


Zuko competing with his owner and some of his home life with the grandkids.

Zuko, dock diving competition dog and high scoring Rally Excellent! As well as National Rally competitor!

Zuko aus Gerstbrei is beautiful sable German Shepherd from my Ivana and bono breeding. Zuko has an outstanding stable temperament with the grandchildren and excells in every aspect of training his owner attempts including bitework. Very proud of Shelly and Zuko doing regional and national events in Rally obeidnece and dock diving. Zuko has scored many 100’s in obedience which is very hard to do and the highest score you can get. When Zuko isn’t working in sports or babysitting the grandkids he is at the family owned store keeping employees and guests entertained.


Karma competing her IGP2 at 9 years old!

Karma and Presi earn their IGP2!

Here what I thought would have been just the most amazing retirement home for grandma to my puppies, Karma aus Gerstbrei IGP1 high in trial high tracking high protection BHOT, I get a text one Saturday morning that she just got a 90 in protection! Way to go Presi and Karma on achieving the IGP2!  Best surprise ever!


Capone from our Karma and Kazmir breeding TKN!

Capone is a littermate brother to our Chaos who has our Spring 2023 black and red litter right now. He lives with Abby and her wonderful family on a farm. He has earned some AKC titles and back at home he helps around the farm by helping raise baby goats and keeping up with his family on chores. Capone has a wonderful temperament and is so gentle with the farm animals. What a wonderful life and family he has!

Raleigh aus Gerstbrei earning her SAR certification with owner and family Jon.

Raleigh with Jon and his family, certified SAR dog!

This girl is example of the versatility of the  German Shepherd we strive for. She is an incredible family companion so gentle with children yet has all the drive needed to save lives. I am so proud of this family and what they have accomplished!