We are very proud of what we do here at Aus Gerstbrei, working and titling our own dogs. Training your own dog for trials takes years of hard work. We like to prove our dogs worthiness by training them ourselves and this way we know the dogs from inside out while proving their temperament and character. We know their strengths and weaknesses in every aspect to choose appropriate mating partners for them to constantly improve our bloodlines. Although not every single one of our dogs is finished ourselves, here are the stories of the dogs we did!


Loki makes High IGP2 with 277 points!

Loki and I entered OG Indy’s spring 2024 trial under USCA judge Arthur Collins and made 95 88 94. so proud of how this bout always gives me his all. Loki made second highest in tracking and second highest in trial as well.


Loki showing off his High IGP1 trophy

Our home bred Loki aus Gerstbrei got his high IGP1 December 2023 and second highest tracking score of 96!! We are so proud of our boy and what he has to offer, giving his whole heart to please.


Eika showing a full grip on the helper during the reattack phase on her IGP1.

Eika earns her IGP1 at OG Indy’s fall trail! Eika proved her strong tracking ability by starting off with a 96. Future career plans include an FH like I did with both of her parents.


Loki showing his intense heeling and focus as he completes his BH

Loki aus Gerstbrei achieves his BH at OG Indy fall 2022 trial! The judge has nothing but amazing things to say about his power and relationship, commenting he loved how he came onto the field saying “you must look at me.”


Eika earns her Bh!

Eika earns her BH at O. G. Indianapolis’s 2020 spring trial under judge Arthur Collins. Very proud of this Ivana daughter!


Harpy making the podium in Germany!

Harpy makes podium in Germany!

Our Harpy aus Gerstbrei made the podium twice in Germany. First SG1 at a club show and then V3 after her titles at a regional show! We are so proud of this girl!


Ivana starting off with a powerful first leg on her FH1

Ivana von Buchmann IPO3 earns her FH1 at 9 years old at Team Working Pup’s fall trial 2021. The FH is a test of true endurance and drive and I always knew my girl was capable of achieving this. We pulled off a score of 88 and for a 9 year old dog She did very good.


Yogi starting off his FH1 track

Yogi aus Gerstbrei IGP1 BHOT achieved his FH1 at Team Working pup’s fall trial in 2021. The conditions were very dry and the field started to heat up by the end of his track and he still pushed through and finished.


Yogi with his High IGP1 trophy

Yogi earned his IGP1 with high IGp1 and high tracking (96 points) at Capital Area Schutzhund’s fall 2019 trial! What a tracking machine he is. Yogi also showed off his full gripping behavior even if he wasn’t totally compliant for his secondary obedience.

Ivana’s son Bane earns his BH!

Bane earns his BH under usca judge Deb Krsnich. Bane put on a very powerful performance for his BH, getting the comment from the judge “this is the drive we look for in high level competition”. So proud of this dog and his abilities.. and to be so stable and amazing off the field.


Ducati de Lupus Saevus earns her BH!

Ducati earns her Bh at the same trial Yogi and Bane earned their titles. What a happy flashy routine she put on. With some last minute adjustments to the long down we pulled it off! What a good girl!

Ivana doing the flat retrieve with the IGP3 dumbbell at GSDCA nationals

Ivana competes at the 2019 GSDCA IPO3 nationals. Just being there was a huge accomplishment and reward itself. She worked her heart out and the judge even came off the field to tell us how much he loved her spirit and fire.


Ivana von Buchmann earns her IPO3!

Ivana earned her IPO3 with a Qualifying score for nationals of 275 (94 87 95) Ivana also tied her sister, Karma for High in trial, and earned High Obedience and High IPO3. Having just come off of nursing a litter that was 8 weeks old I’m so proud with how she performed even if she wasn’t in her best shape.

Karma aus Gerstbrei earns her IGP1!

Karma earns her IPO1 with a score of 275 (97 80 98) , making High in Trial, high tracking, and high protection. She had a few fumbles in Obedience but she never lost drive. Proud of this crazy girl.


Ivana earns her IPO2 and Karma her BH!

At Capital Area Schutzhund club’s trial under USCA judge Mike Caputo, Karma earned her BH, and Ivana earned her IPO2 making High IPO2, High in Trial, High tracking and High Obedience. I was very happy with the judges comments as to how in drive and happy my dogs were working. This is something that we really take pride in with our program, dogs that love working with their people!


Ivana earns High IPO1!

Ivana earns her IPO1 at Capital Area’s fall 2016 trial under USCA judge Bill Szentmiklosi. This was a very special memory because my mother also won High IPO3 with Ivana’s uncle, Jax at this same trial.


Ivana earns her BH!

For Ivana’s BH we traveled over to Metro Detroit Schutzhund for their summer 2015 trial! I was very pleased how Ivana handled herself on the new field.


Donovan zu Treuen Handen earns his TR2!

Donovan earns a very nice score of 92 points on his TR2 under USCA SV judge, Johannes Grewe in June 2013, South Michigan Schutzhund and Police’s summer trial. We worked out a lot of his problems in just 4 months so I’m very happy with this score.

Shelby earns her TR1!

Shelby earned her TR1 under USCA judge Johannes Grewe at South Michigan Schutzhund and Police club’s summer trial in June 2013! Shelby was the start of a long line of very talented tracking dogs which has carried into my current competition dogs today!


Tucker earns his BH!

Tucker was bought from another breeder and was never a part of my breeding program due to having bad hips and not the willingness to work I wanted but he was a very good boy and raider of puppies. The BH was not easy with him but we made it at Greater Atlanta Schutzhund Association’s winter 2013 trial.


Shelby earns her BH!

(Picture is from a later visit to California since we had no pictures from this trial) Shelby earns her BH in full heat at USCA club O. G. Nashville Schutzhund and Polizei under USCA judge Mike Hamilton. Shelby due to being in heat didn’t get to practice but she went out and nailed it in the freezing cold rain too.